You are only limited by your own mind

Annie S. Anderson
2 min readDec 20, 2018


Why do we think we have to wait for something to happen until we BE and DO what we REALLY want??

Why do we think we can’t be happy until we own a home or get married or have children or travel the world or drive the right car??

It’s time to shift that paradigm. . .

The truth is. . . you are only limited by your own mind. If you think you can’t do something until xyz happens, who’s limiting you? Yourself. Your conditioning. What you’ve learned from society and your families and your friends.

Don’t you think it’s time to break free from that thinking?

You know, what your children need, what your families and friends need, what the WORLD needs is for you to BE YOURSELF. It’s time to stop limiting yourself. It’s time to realize happiness — and all those other things you put off being and doing — must come FIRST.

You want happiness? Then by all means, make the choice — RIGHT NOW — to BE HAPPY.

You want joy? Then by all means, make the choice — RIGHT NOW — to BE JOY.

You want love? Then by all means, make the choice — RIGHT NOW — to BE LOVE.

You cannot truly have what you do not first BE. It will always be fleeting otherwise.

The best gift you can give to those around you, especially those you love and care about, is to live your life to your fullest potential.

Originally published at on December 20, 2018.



Annie S. Anderson

Coach, visionary, storyteller. Leading changemakers ready to light up the world w/truth & love. More about me & my work here —